Update – Martha and Brian Mallett

Our dear friend, neighbor and lifetime HPIC member Martha Mallett and her son Brian have lost their home to a fire. (See here and here on the West Seattle Blog.)

Martha wants everyone to know that she and Brian are okay. Brian’s hands are healing from burns he got in the fire. They are staying in a West Seattle motel until they can find a place to rent while their home is rebuilt. Martha sounds like her strong, determined self and is very busy with Brian, beginning the task of putting their lives back together. Her family is all around her, strong and supportive.

Things we can do:

  • Stop by the fundraiser this Saturday, organized by Martha and Brian’s neighbor Lisa Leininger:

Saturday, May 5th
8442 20th Ave SW (3 doors south of Martha’s house)
They will be selling hot dogs and lemonade to show their support for Martha and her son.
(Martha was very moved when I told her about this).

  • Wine For Our Times: We will miss Martha, our Raffle Queen, at Wine For Our Times this year (also this Saturday). However, this years’ raffle proceeds will be donated to Martha and Brian.
  • Martha asked for help finding a furnished, two-bedroom house with kitchen for her and Brian to rent while their house is being rebuilt. Let’s find them a great place in the neighborhood!

Here’s to the real and vital community Martha is so much a part of!

The indefatiguable Martha Mallett.